District of Columbia

We are proud the District of Columbia is home to one of the country's strongest solar policy regimes. While the unique nature of the nation's capital makes deployment and interconnection challenging, we are proud 10% of the District's energy needs will be met with solar power by 2040. The District's impressive commitment to equity - through SolarWorks DC or the Solar for All program - strengthens an industry that employs over one thousand District residents.


2019: Demand Charges

CHESSA protects District customers from incurring demand charges, preserving the economics of solar power in the District.


2018: Grid Modernization

CHESSA is a key party in the extensive grid modernization process, known as MEDSIS, which built a framework for DER, energy storage, and ancillarily services deployment in the District.

2019: Clean Energy Omnibus

CHESSA works with the City Council on the Clean Energy Omnibus Bill, which raised DC's solar carveout to 10% by 2040.


2017: Solar for All

CHESSA protects Solar for All funding in the Council budget, savings millions of dollars for community solar programs.


Our 2021 Goals

Ensure the Public Service Commissioner vacancy is filled by an individual with experience in clean energy and equity issues

Expedite the interconnection process for community renewable energy facilities

Clarify SREC eligibility for solar arrays on District feeder lines

Continue participating in FC 1156 to preserve a market for solar power through appropriate rate structures