
Virginia is one of the fastest-growing state solar markets in the country. Powered by the Virginia Clean Economy Act, investor-owned utilities aim to have over 17 gigawatts of solar and wind power by 2035. Power-hungry data centers and corporate sustainability commitments fuel solar demand in the private sector. CHESSA represents the Virginia solar industry in Richmond and beyond.


2020: Virginia Clean Economy Act

CHESSA was proud to work alongside industry, environmental and justice advocates to pass Virginia's flagship clean energy legislation, the Virginia Clean Economy Act, deemed 16.1 GW of solar and wind power in the public interest. The VCEA also weakened barriers to residential and commercial solar deployment and created a carveout for distributed generation based in the Commonwealth.


2019: Net-Metering

CHESSA passed legislation to expand net metering in co-op territory, and legislation improving the decommissioning process for utility-scale solar development.

2020: Utility-Scale Solar Legislation

CHESSA successfully advanced three pieces of legislation that gave localities greater options in sourcing revenue from utility-scale solar projects. A key policy - known as the solar revenue share - enabled counties to receive fiscal benefits from solar projects consistently throughout the lifetime of the project.


2018: Grid Transformation and Security Act

CHESSA helped ensure the Grid Transformation and Security Act deemed 5 gigawatts of wind and solar in the public interest, spurring major demand for solar power from Dominion and Appalachian Power Company.


Our 2021 Goals

Represent the solar and storage industry in the RPS Implementation dockets at the State Corporation Commission

Pass budget amendments supporting the Solar Hands-On Instructional Network of Excellent (SHINE), Virginia's only public-private partnership aimed at training Virginians in utility-scale solar deployment.

Pass legislation ensuring solar projects coupled with battery storage can be permitted through the Dept of Environmental Quality's Permit by Rule Process

Ensure local economic development accompanies solar and storage deployment throughout the Commonwealth

Address permitting barriers for distributed generation at the state and county level